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Poll Discussion Poll: Do you employ the services of an accountant/financial advisor? I do Only for my income declaration. I do my VAT and
VIES declarations by myself. 2011 was my first
financial year in The Netherlands and, for those
who don't know, Holland is a very bureau
Veronica Lupascu Sep 11, 2012
Machine Translation (MT) Good to know. How do non-translators see Translation Machines. [quote] When deciding whether or not to use
machine translation, consider the value of your
content. If it’s highly valuable,
mission-critical content, such as marketing
Veronica Lupascu Sep 5, 2012
Poll Discussion Poll: How often do you invoice? Once a month [quote]Samantha Payn wrote: For those who may
be interested, I use Quickbooks accounting
software and have just started using the
"Estimates" facility to maintain a
Veronica Lupascu Jun 27, 2012
Poll Discussion Poll: Would you prefer to live in your source language or target language country? Not sure From a professional point of view, living in my
target language country would be better and would
probably be bringing much more work. On the other
hand, I just left my target language cou
Veronica Lupascu Jun 25, 2012
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you accept jobs with formatting issues (.ppt, .doc with images, PDF, etc)? Yes, with surcharge I use an OCR software and only accept this kind of
jobs if the document doesn't require heavy
formatting (tables, schemes, etc.).
[quote] Interlangue: Their reference
Veronica Lupascu Jun 21, 2012
Poll Discussion Poll: Would you like to have a smartphone application? Yes and no I work from home most of the time and my 2
desktops are permanently on, in different parts of
the house. I am sitting at my computer basically
all day long and during weekends or holidays
Veronica Lupascu Jun 20, 2012
Poll Discussion Poll: Have you ever worked on a translation project that made you smile? Well Now I don't remember exactly the initial question
I put, but I asked something else, for sure :) It
got modified, I guess. I asked this after working
on a project I really enjoyed. It kept
Veronica Lupascu Jun 16, 2012
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you think it's possible to be a good translator in multiple language pairs? Yep [quote]neilmac wrote: PS: Many of the Balkan
area countries (like the ones that tend to vote
for each other in Eurovision) are to some extent
mutually intelligible so I'm pretty sure th
Veronica Lupascu Jun 15, 2012
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you think it's possible to be a good translator in multiple language pairs? Yes, I guess so As long as you translate only into your native
language. I have 2 main source languages (Greek
and English). I moved to Holland almost 2 years
ago and my Dutch is becoming much better ever
Veronica Lupascu Jun 15, 2012
Poll Discussion Poll: Have you ever contacted end clients directly? Yes and no Depending on my relationship with the end client
and depending on the instructions. Yes: I had
a project where the agency PM put me and a
representative of the end client in touch, bec
Veronica Lupascu Jun 14, 2012
Poll Discussion Poll: Are you comfortable with bidding on jobs that require three or more references? references - I never ask references from my clients. - I am
not comfortable sending my clients' full names and
contact details to third parties. - I would not
like it at all if my clients/collabor
Veronica Lupascu Jun 11, 2012
Poll Discussion Poll: Is your profile customized for non-English languages? Customize for non-English languages link [quote]Ty Kendall wrote: Others may disagree
with me, but the ProZ interface for me isn't the
most user-friendly I have encountered. Ok, I
can see how it works now (coming from Googl
Veronica Lupascu Jun 9, 2012
Poll Discussion Poll: Is your profile customized for non-English languages? Yes My customized version for Romanian is almost ready
:) The problem is that even though my target
language is Romanian, I and most of my peers have
their profiles in English. I don't have th
Veronica Lupascu Jun 9, 2012
Off topic Eurovision 2012 - What do you think of your country's entry? Exactly [quote]Maja Zrobecka wrote: I don't understand
why money is being wasted on something of this
quality. [/quote] But Azerbaijan is clearly
making a good touristic marketing this y
Veronica Lupascu May 26, 2012
Off topic Overdoing the thanks thing I love this thread I also find it very interesting that there are
languages with no equivalent for 'please' (Danish,
Swedish...are there any others?) How can you
express a polite request in this languages? A
Veronica Lupascu May 25, 2012
Poll Discussion Poll: In general, how rigorous are your clients' screening processes for new translators? References [quote]Lisa Simpson, MCIL wrote: What I really
can't bear is requests for referees, which I will
only provide under extreme duress when there's a
(very good) job on the table. We're all
Veronica Lupascu May 23, 2012
Poll Discussion Poll: In general, how rigorous are your clients' screening processes for new translators? It depends As others pointed out, some clients (in my case
those who became regular clients) just assign the
project and others require tons of agreements,
forms, references, etc. There are also<
Veronica Lupascu May 23, 2012
Poll Discussion Poll: Have you made financial plans/preparations for retirement? Other I made the plan, signed a contract, payed
contributions 2 times and... tadada! the company I
signed the contract with became suddenly bankrupt.
I managed to receive my money back.
Veronica Lupascu May 21, 2012
Poll Discussion Poll: How often do you update your profile? I updated it recently But last time was one year ago. Infrequently was
my answer.
Veronica Lupascu May 19, 2012
Poll Discussion Poll: How many days off do you take per year for vacations? Oh, ja! [quote]Ty Kendall wrote: This is how many days
people think I have, because I am at home all day.
[/quote] And ask babysitting their kids or just
invite themselves to come to visit o
Veronica Lupascu May 15, 2012
Dutch Stuff Dutch People Like - thought of sharing Ik woon nu al
een jaar in Nederland en er zijn nog dingetjes die
ik niet begrijp (waarom zoveel kusjes? waarom geen
gordijnen? waarom altijd klagen?).
Veronica Lupascu May 15, 2012
Romanian Când vor înţelege şi agenţiile româneşti? Exact [quote]Cristiana Coblis wrote: Un păstor bun
îşi duce oile unde au ce mânca. [Editat
la 2012-05-14 14:12 GMT] [/quote] Foarte bine
spus :) Eu sunt încă în primii a
Veronica Lupascu May 14, 2012
Poll Discussion Poll: What percent of your available work time is booked? Right now I am free for new projects I was very busy first 4 months of 2012, but May
brought only few relatively small projects. I
enjoyed this unplanned vacation for a while, but 4
working days without any translation wo
Veronica Lupascu May 14, 2012
Poll Discussion Poll: What role has popular culture (movies, TV, books) played in you learning your acquired language? Music and movies Although Greek music is not by far something I
enjoy listening, I used to listen to Greek music
all the time, find the lyrics (or try to write the
lyrics myself and then crosscheck with th
Veronica Lupascu May 12, 2012
Greek να κατεβω πιο κατω απο 0,032/λεξη;;;; φαίνεται ότι δεν είναι νόμιμο να κάνεις το τεστ Τουλάχιστον στην Ευρώπη,
σύμφωνα με διάφορους
νόμους περί αθεμίτου
ανταγωνισμού. Κρίμα... θα
το έκα
Veronica Lupascu May 11, 2012
Romanian Când vor înţelege şi agenţiile româneşti? preţurile reale Nu pare a fi legală această acţiune, cel puţin
în Europa şi, de această dată, chiar pot face
referire la Legea privind practicile de
concurenţă neloială, însă, vroiam să spun
Veronica Lupascu May 11, 2012
Greek να κατεβω πιο κατω απο 0,032/λεξη;;;; Χαχα! Το τεστ! Μου αρέσει το τεστ, δεν το
σκέφτηκα! Λίγα
πρακτορεία γράφουν τις
τιμές που χρεώνουν στις
Veronica Lupascu May 11, 2012
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you keep hard copies of all the invoices you issue? Yes I am my own accountant (with the help of my sister
accountant) and having hard copies helps me to
avoid mistakes of any kind. Actually this is my
sister's working style :) and I have to
Veronica Lupascu May 10, 2012
Romanian Cum "mirosiţi" un client neserios? depinde de situaţie revenind la subiectul iniţial De obicei adresa
de email este primul semnal de alarmă, dar ştiu
că acest lucru nu prea este valabil pentru greci.
Majoritatea clienţilor din Grecia,
Veronica Lupascu May 9, 2012
Romanian Recomandări emisiuni TV , dicţionare, articole pentru traducători Modificări în DEX În urma demersurilor constante ale Agenţiei de
Dezvoltare Comunitară «Împreună», Asociaţiei
Rromilor «Egalitate de Şanse» Tulcea şi
Asociaţiei ACCEPT, precum şi a Hotărârii
Veronica Lupascu May 8, 2012
Romanian Când vor înţelege şi agenţiile româneşti? Problema nu e în regimul politic Ci în felul cum alegeţi clienţii şi cum îi
refuzaţi pe cei rău-platnici (prin rău-platnici
nu mărefer numai la cei care nu plătesc la timp,
ci şi la cei care "oferă" tarife de
Veronica Lupascu May 7, 2012
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you translate rhyme/poetry? Yes, but I don't like it and I avoid it I translated poetry during my student years and
actually won a prize at an international
conference, but I definitely didn't enjoy the work
and I have no idea how I won the prize :) I<
Veronica Lupascu May 7, 2012
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you have any pets? Pets and translation Forgot to mention that I actually got a fun
translation project about dog breeds through a dog
lovers forum. How great is that!
Veronica Lupascu May 7, 2012
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you have any pets? I used to be a pet hater Not an animal hater, but a pet hater. My neighbor
had cats and dogs and her house smelled funny all
the time. But then when I moved to an apartment
complex, with no reason whatsoever to go
Veronica Lupascu May 7, 2012
Subtitling Nice one! [Amusing rates for subtitling ;)] Actually [quote] Genesis wrote: That's why I posted it,
it's outrageous that these agencies still exist.
I am wondering how they survive. [/quote] The
agencies survive and have profits.
Veronica Lupascu May 4, 2012
Poll Discussion Poll: Have you ever received complaints from your clients regarding the quality of your translations? I had my translations reviewed and occasionally I agreed with the changes, in
most of the cases stylistic variations... But
most so called corrections are totally wrong in my
language, wrong forms, literal translati
Veronica Lupascu May 2, 2012
Romanian Când vor înţelege şi agenţiile româneşti? Hehe, dacă s-ar face facultate... [quote]Oana Precup wrote: Traim intr-o
societate (romaneasca) in care toata lumea face
facultate. [/quote] Daţi pe google căutări
de genul "cumpăr diplomă" sau "vând diplomă"
Veronica Lupascu Apr 25, 2012
Romanian Când vor înţelege şi agenţiile româneşti? Mulţumesc pentu sugestii [quote]Cristiana Coblis wrote: Parţial
disponibilă = disponibilă :) [/quote] şi
pentru timpul acordat. Într-adevăr, nu mi-am dat
seama că de fapt transmit mesajul că sunt
Veronica Lupascu Apr 25, 2012
Romanian Când vor înţelege şi agenţiile româneşti? 30 pagini / zi??? Cred că nu mai are rost să întreb de calitate.
2000 de caractere cu spaţii fac în jur de 250 de
cuvinte sursă X 30 = 7500 cuvinte zilnic
(media!). Personal, dacă am un text cu mu
Veronica Lupascu Apr 25, 2012
Poll Discussion Poll: Which payment processor do you use the most for your business needs? Other Bank transfer with European clients Paypal with
USA clients (rarely) Moneybookers with clients
established in a country where PayPal cannot be
used (like Moldova, Russia, Ukraine), b
Veronica Lupascu Apr 20, 2012
Romanian Când vor înţelege şi agenţiile româneşti? Hai să gândim retrospectiv Ce a cauzat situaţia actuală, când majoritatea
poaperelor ex-sovietice sunt de temut în Europa,
pentru că de obicei fură, ucid, nu respectă
regulamente, etc? de ce anume aceste popo
Veronica Lupascu Apr 13, 2012
Romanian Când vor înţelege şi agenţiile româneşti? 100% de acord [quote]Sangro wrote: Asta-i partea frumoasa a
meseriei (una din ele) - nu suntem la stapan. Ne
aranjam orarul si prioritatile dupa cum avem
nevoie sau chef. [/quote] Asta am şi
Veronica Lupascu Apr 13, 2012
Romanian Când vor înţelege şi agenţiile româneşti? Scuzate să-mi fie tupeul şi devierea, dar WTF? [quote]OvidiuKatz wrote: Înainte în socialism
aşa ceva nu exista, fiindcă, neexistând
proprietatea privată, clar că nu existau nici
SRLurile exploatatoare, atunci toată lumea mu
Veronica Lupascu Apr 13, 2012
Romanian Când vor înţelege şi agenţiile româneşti? Din prea multă empatie :) Mulţumesc pentru replică, Cristina! Păi
chiar obişnuiesc să refuz oferte de colaborare
de la unele agenţii româneşti, care îmi propun
1 cent pe cuvânt pentru traducere, de exe
Veronica Lupascu Apr 6, 2012
Romanian Când vor înţelege şi agenţiile româneşti? Bună tuturor! Nu obişnuiesc să mă plâng pe
seama clienţilor şi nici să colaborez cu
clienţi din România / Moldova, dar am câţiva
şi, sincer, nu înţeleg cum poate cineva s
Veronica Lupascu Apr 5, 2012
Poll Discussion Poll: How often do you increase your rates? I set my rates on a project basis Just because I work with clients from different
countries and always take local prices into
account. While an UK based client, for example, is
ready to work with my usual rates, Romanian
Veronica Lupascu Apr 3, 2012
Poll Discussion Poll: How many times have you changed your country of residence in the last 10 years? 4 Moldova - Cyprus - Moldova - Holland. Guess I will
hang in here for a while :)
Veronica Lupascu Apr 2, 2012
Poll Discussion Poll: What is the most serious mistake one can make when translating? Adding information is necessary sometimes [quote]dsd-sl wrote: adding information is
terrible. As a customer I could accept a
mistake in omitting, but not in ADDING something
that could be anything..... [/quote] Let's sa
Veronica Lupascu Mar 30, 2012
Poll Discussion Poll: Would you avoid any translation subject for ethical reasons? I voted No But if I think longer, I would probably avoid some
subjects. I just had a translation about
legalizing prostitution, prostitutes and their
rights, etc. subject I disagree with at some poin
Veronica Lupascu Mar 29, 2012
Poll Discussion Poll: At what time do you usually start to work? Late in the morning Which for me means anywhere between 8.30 and 10.00
am. The first thing I do when I wake up is going
out for a walk with my dog (dogs, as from Monday!
yaay!!! :) ). I actually "wake up" out
Veronica Lupascu Mar 24, 2012

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