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Search results: (250 matches)
Business issues Suddenly stopped receiving work New project manager with ideas Some fancy new project manager was hired and s/he
came with a bucket of new ideas how to hire
cheaper. Will be something along those lines.
You might hear from them next Easter or Christ
apk12 Apr 16, 2019
Scams Agency exploiting the fact that we care about children Interesting business news... [quote]Alvaro Espantaleon wrote: I got an email
today about becoming a member of something called
Translatorspub [/quote] Not sure what this is
yet but I think I just found a new for
apk12 Jan 27, 2016
Lighter side of trans/interp So... Filler words: love some of those Honestly, :) I love some of those. Filler
words have not exactly performative usage but are
helpful for "sentence melodies" - when (not if,
but when) you want the voice to draw a certa
apk12 Jan 27, 2016
Translation news Translation firm must pay $1.47M to 2,400 underpaid workers "Happy to be exploited..." There are diverse forms: some are not aware
that they are being exploited, some are but are
made "happy that you have this job at least or
otherwise the place under the bridge is wai
apk12 Jan 25, 2016
Money matters Translate Psychology to German for 0.01 per w. It actually -is- possible You know, the "experiment" actually even -is-
possible. Or -would- be. It's not that hard to
organize 16/17 people to post an "ah yes, sure..."
under such an "assignment proposal". May
apk12 Oct 24, 2015
Money matters Translate Psychology to German for 0.01 per w. "Have you read the news today?" (Coffee steams in
arabesque verves upwards from a cup.) "Hm?"
(from behind a newspaper) "Psychology is
nowadays translated to German on Uranus." "H
apk12 Oct 22, 2015
German Kunde will Bankgebühren nicht übernehmen ooooooh ein altes Thema.... aktuell ist es so, dass man über bestimmte (nicht
unbedingt empfehlenswerte) Plattformen von
US-Kunden gezahlte US-Beträge auf das normale
Bankkonto im EU-Inland überweisen lassen kann<
apk12 Feb 3, 2015 technical support Is it possible to include different dialects when declaring a language pair? So? How to get local dialects as variants on
your profile, anyone any idea?
apk12 Feb 3, 2015 bugs A glossary is not showing up on my profile although entered and existing KISSES! Kisses, as many and as long as they are and stay
there. (If on Dec 12th 2017 they vanish for 2
minutes, I'll be nagging and will have no further
kisses, but as long as they are there a
apk12 Jan 24, 2015 technical support Is it possible to include different dialects when declaring a language pair? ... [quote]Samuel Murray wrote: [quote]apk12
wrote: I was about to add the language
pair: German BAY to German BER (dialects/local
variants/accents) [/quote] Where were you about
apk12 Jan 24, 2015 bugs A glossary is not showing up on my profile although entered and existing Nope, they don't Will probably show up at 2:22 in the morning and
3:45 afternoon. 3 glossaries of which 2 have
long lines. (and it should be my decision how long
my title of my glossary is.) (could hav
apk12 Jan 22, 2015 bugs A glossary is not showing up on my profile although entered and existing HM. Where is this term:
and the entire name of the glossary in my
profile? Entered, Saved, so - Existing,
apk12 Jan 22, 2015 technical support Is it possible to include different dialects when declaring a language pair? :-] just experienced something funny. I was
about to add the language pair: German BAY to
German BER (dialects/local variants/accents) (I
have seen a few clicks before that yo
apk12 Jan 22, 2015
Windows operating systems How do other translators back up their files? Best way to set up an automated back up? ... [quote]Michael Beijer wrote: I don't think that
use of Dropbox goes against many NDAs. You say,
‘for obvious reasons’, but what are they, if I
may ask? Can you point to a specific N
apk12 Aug 12, 2014
Windows operating systems How do other translators back up their files? Best way to set up an automated back up? External harddrive I simply use an external harddrive. I don't use
dropboxes/cloud storage (for obvious, NDA related
reasons). As these dropboxes/cloud storages
were not coded by me and do not belong to
apk12 Aug 10, 2014
Translation news Google sets up a community site to help improve Google Translate Simple brave new world Heck yeah! Let's waste work time for free for a
Machine. [quote]Tom in London
wrote: [quote]Michal Fabian wrote: ... but
at the same time, it's basically Google admitting
apk12 Jul 30, 2014
Off topic "Hen" is official now ... For a moment I thought this title in the forum
topics list is blue for belonging to "lighter side
of translation" and was sure the old issue about
who was first was finally solved (probabl
apk12 Jul 30, 2014
Money matters TTIP and elections in Europe (upfront note: right now I have a last couple of
days to muse about whether to renew my membership
for another year... let's see.) Anyway, this is
definitely interesting times right now
apk12 May 24, 2014
Business issues Sending offers to .in for a job in "Berlin or Munich" 2 cents report? I do not see a reason to report it (as long as the
position exists and this is a real job ad), the
discussion started with a 2 cents post. And
developped. "No one" caring about working
apk12 Nov 2, 2013
Business issues Sending offers to .in for a job in "Berlin or Munich" Full-time inhouse [quote]Srini Venkataraman wrote: I had 2
occasions, where 1. the company was registered in
UK, but on following up through the freelance job
process, the office handling the communicat
apk12 Oct 30, 2013
Business issues Sending offers to .in for a job in "Berlin or Munich" What difference it makes. Huge difference. Just simply universal. (Even
lager.) In order to clarify just one shade of
that difference, I asked whether I am supposed to
get my salary from .in, too. -And- the sa
apk12 Oct 29, 2013
Business issues Sending offers to .in for a job in "Berlin or Munich" Berlin or Munich. Because the job is in Berlin or Munich. And just
like I do NOT appreciate it when living costs in
other countries try to influence going rates on
the translation market for again other cou
apk12 Oct 29, 2013
Business issues Sending offers to .in for a job in "Berlin or Munich" I just don't really get why on earth I should (if
I'd be searching for a full-time inhouse job) -
why. On. Earth. I should send an offer (or in this
case application) to .in for a job in "
apk12 Oct 29, 2013
Business issues Would you offer translation reviews for free to an agency? again apologizing for warming this old topic up, but... again apologizing for warming this old topic up,
but... there are news, dear
colleagues. Interesting news.
apk12 Oct 28, 2013
Business issues Let's start a revolution, serfs! Show me the way to the next revolution... So, blahdibla, if you need a person at the front
of the demonstration holding the "Not for
peanuts!" poster, here I am, right at the
frontline and waiting for the start. Btw...
apk12 Jun 13, 2013
Off topic Website: "Funny translator" (uses machine translation) "Jingle Campane" Man.. :-] now take a look at this, really great:
apk12 Dec 22, 2012
Scams E-Mail scam started at the Polish LOT [scam not directed at translators, but still worth noting] Hm... Not sure how to reply to this. Not bothering about
privacy sounds a bit like the "privacy is
outdated" statement - I prefer to be outdated,
then. See, I personally for example am a
apk12 Dec 10, 2012
Money matters To bill per hour or per word. Per word It is the norm and in my case, I would see no
advantage in swinging away from it. It makes the
overall quote process much more easier - in one of
my source languages, I have sometimes clie
apk12 Dec 7, 2012
Scams E-Mail scam started at the Polish LOT [scam not directed at translators, but still worth noting] Why bother... [quote]Paweł Hamerski wrote: Mine and my
family's, even without asking first, if the
address is genuine. [/quote] Right, why bother
about your family ending up as scam targets.
apk12 Dec 7, 2012
Scams E-Mail scam started at the Polish LOT [scam not directed at translators, but still worth noting] Sure - usually [quote]Enrique Cavalitto wrote: Hi apk12, I
would suggest never replying to a spam because the
only consequence will be for the spammers to
confirm that it is a real and active addre
apk12 Dec 5, 2012
Scams E-Mail scam started at the Polish LOT [scam not directed at translators, but still worth noting] Your or your daughter's, mother's, colleague's? [quote]Paweł Hamerski wrote: I would gladly
advise e-mail address in case I get the discount
[/quote] Your own email or that of a relative
or colleague without asking them, Paweł?
apk12 Dec 4, 2012
Off topic Christmas, Bah, humbug........ ? Hate it. To be honest, I hate it. I hate Decembers.
Shopping malls of any kind make me nervous and
demand a hell lot of my patience in order not to
cry out right in the middle of one of them. I
apk12 Dec 4, 2012
Money matters Ethical dilemma - feedback needed Hm [quote]Paweł Hamerski wrote: I have my own
code of ethics and it has nothing special to say
in this field. [/quote] W.h.y exactly do I
have the feeling, this comment from a Polish<
apk12 Dec 4, 2012
Scams E-Mail scam started at the Polish LOT [scam not directed at translators, but still worth noting] I think, it might be time to post this story, just
in case some of you out there migh experience some
business slow-down and react to strange offers
coming from another "business". You
apk12 Dec 4, 2012
Fun with language Thursday Night Humour The Translator's Serenity Prayer one day too late, but could not find a better
fitting thread for this... take a look at that:
The Translator's Serenity Prayer love it...
apk12 Nov 30, 2012
Machine Translation (MT) How long will human translation last? first nomination regarding the post above, the suggestion "Most
Hilarious MT Crash Award", take a look at this
here, there is a first nomination
apk12 Nov 30, 2012
Off topic Website: "Funny translator" (uses machine translation) suggestion: Most Hilarious MT crash award I recently posted a suggestion in this thread -
after I wrote the post with the suggestion, I
contacted the people making this "Goldenes Brett"
thing, asking what they wish to have it nam
apk12 Nov 30, 2012
Machine Translation (MT) How long will human translation last? disagree. [quote] * Can MT help human, professional
translators to translate faster? The answer is
YES. [/quote] Disagree. Disagree deeply. My
source: myself and my experience. Disagree deep
apk12 Nov 28, 2012
Machine Translation (MT) How long will human translation last? :-] [quote] "machine translations are getting quite
good now" [/quote] yeah... MT is absolutely
needed for a good laugh in a coffee break, I would
miss it. If you want to know how l
apk12 Nov 27, 2012
Money matters Ethical dilemma - feedback needed Your limits. [quote]Eva Jodar wrote: just thinking to
participate in something like this somehow...
that's why is so difficult, I mean, there are lots
of things: herbicides, transgenics, for example
apk12 Nov 23, 2012
Money matters Ethical dilemma - feedback needed hm... [quote]Eva Jodar wrote: is helping them? thank
you for the link, is really interesting, thanks
very much! i'm going to see it till the end
now... [/quote] A nuclear power company
apk12 Nov 23, 2012
Money matters Ethical dilemma - feedback needed The problem is... [quote]CassarJosephine wrote: ... I do not
agree that a doctor can refuse to cure a patient
so he does not commit another crime: in reality he
has no choice there. It is not just a ques
apk12 Nov 23, 2012
Translation Theory and Practice Do you translate a text if you are against its content? Ethics in the translation business Excuse me, I surely do not want to spam this
discussion thread, but I am quite sure I will
search for this thread earlier or later and when I
will do this, I will search for related ones,
apk12 Nov 23, 2012
Money matters Ethical dilemma - feedback needed Discussion about ethics in the translation business The discussion about ethics in freelancing is
indeed very interesting. There is a thread worth a
look, a thread about exactly this question:
link 1 If you (addressed to the topic
apk12 Nov 23, 2012
Off topic Website: "Funny translator" (uses machine translation) Can't help myself... [quote]Tapsa wrote: Original: "Now with Word
closed, the preview does work within
Studio." After 56 translations: "Solution."
[/quote] I can't help myself, but if someone
apk12 Nov 23, 2012
Money matters what's right with this here? 0.02 for EN to DE mentioned... there was an 0.02 "job" mentioned in a thread that
was hidden a few minutes ago. 0.02 USD for EN to
DE... Who the heck would reply to something
like this... Why do such "outsourcers"
apk12 May 26, 2012
Money matters Wordworld quickly going kaputt (?!) and a possible warning to all Translations world travel for just 0.02, 0.01... 0.02 USD for translation causes amazing laughing
fit anyway - but for EN to DE? And now you even
mention 0.01? wtf? Why don't they search for
providers for such a category on pages wher
apk12 May 26, 2012
Business issues Pseudonyms....Good, Bad or Ugly? Privacy Privacy. I am not willing to give it up.
Personally, my full name is reserved for
publishing - texts where I am the author. I keep
my career as a translator as much separated from
apk12 May 25, 2012
Translation Theory and Practice Should I charge more for turning bad writing into good writing? Clarify with client upfront I try to clarify such issues upfront with the
client. For example, imagine you get a sales
letter for translation, the end client is a
company operating in two countries. The source is
apk12 May 24, 2012
Business issues Would you offer translation reviews for free to an agency? Whether or not? [quote]DLyons wrote: That's not to say you
will always be able meet their every request,
whether for free or on a paid
basis![/quote] "Whether or not"? I would say
this is quite
apk12 May 23, 2012

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