Glossary entry

English term or phrase:


Hindi translation:

पेशे के प्रति सजग

Added to glossary by Kumud Verma
May 8, 2007 05:22
17 yrs ago
English term
Change log

May 12, 2007 16:42: Kumud Verma Created KOG entry

May 12, 2007 16:47: Kumud Verma changed "Edited KOG entry" from "<a href="/profile/639190">Kumud Verma's</a> old entry - "career-oriented"" to ""कैरियर के प्रति सजग""

Proposed translations

9 mins

कैरियर के प्रति सजग

Literal translation would be कैरियर-अभिमुख या कैरियर-उन्मुखी, but these are monstrosities.

It is better to explain the concept than look for a literal equivalent.

You could tackle it this way:

आजकल मां-बाप अपने पेशों के प्रति अधिक सजग रहते हैं/रहने लगे हैं।

आजकल अभिभावक अपने कैरियरों के प्रति अधिकाधिक सजग होने लगे हैं

आजकल अभिभावकों के लिए अपना कैरियर उत्तरोत्तर अधिक महत्व ग्रहण करता जा रहा है।
Peer comment(s):

agree Pundora
1 hr
Thank you.
agree thyminfo (X)
4 hrs
Thank you.
agree Arun Singh
11 hrs
Thank you.
agree PRAKASH SHARMA : 'career ke prati sajag' is a good equivalent. Cheers Balaji! :)
4 days
Thank you.
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3 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "thank you"
3 mins

रोज़गारोन्मुखी/ रोज़गार उन्मुखी /कैरियर उन्मुखी (RozgAronmukhi/rozgAr unmukhi/career unmukhi

These are some of the possible Hindi equivalents for this term.
Peer comment(s):

agree Ramesh Bhatt : "Vavsai" could be one more choice for "Rozgar" and "Career". I agree with your answer.
22 mins
agree Pundora
1 hr
agree satish krishna itikela
1 hr
agree Arun Singh : I am sorry, my previous comment was incoorect.
11 hrs
DhanyavAd Arun!
agree chandan mishra
190 days
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4 days


By this word, I remember my essay- that I submitted in Bhartiya Anuvad Parishad while studying P.G.Dipl. in Translation. I had put arguments against using word 'rozgar' as it doesn't convey the meaning of career fully. Mostly, rozgaronmukhi is used in hindi. Anyway, i wrote it just for a thought to be raised. Nowadays, one copy should be in records of B.A.P. and one is with me. :)
Thanks Kumud for letting me remember those days with Tandon sir and others.
Note from asker:
Career is not a hindi word. Actually using the word 'Career ke prati sajag' is HInglish. According to the dictionary of Father Camille Bulcke the hindi words for 'Career' are Jeevika, Pesha, and Aacharit. Therefore options too be considered are 'Jeevika ke prati sajag' or 'Peshe ke prati sajag' or 'Aacharit ke prati sajag' . In the given context I find 'Peshe ke prati sajag' to be the best option.
Peer comment(s):

disagree Shruti Nagar : is there a need of mixing up Hindi and English terminologies so badly? Thanks for raising the argument. But, in trying to make one Hinglish word for an English word, are we not bending it a bit too much? I feel'Career ke prati sajag/unmukh' is far better.
2 days 38 mins
I understand your concern shruti! Can you describe the meaning of word 'career' in a single hindi word? I feel that you'd read my essay. 'Career' term conveys broader meaning than simple 'rozgar' i.e. 'employment'. That's what I feel!
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