The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

portugalski > angielski Prawo (ogólne) Translation Glossary

portugalski term angielski translation
administrador não executivo non-executive director
Admissão de prova pericial pelo juízo evidence provided by expert // expert evidence upheld in court
admissibilidade admissibility/admissibleness
Admiti-los provarem o legado por todos os meios de prova em direito permitidos.. Let them give envidence....
admitido was declared admissible
adoção à brasileira informal adoption, non-documented adoption
Entered by: Mario Freitas
adoção da arbitragem adoption of arbitration
adscrito à relating/ascribed to
Advocacia contenciosa Litigation lawyers
Advocacia preventiva preventive law / preventive lawyer
Entered by: Mario Freitas
advogado militante lawyer practicing in...
Advogado-geral da União vs. Procurador-Geral da República Federal Attorney General (\"AGU\"), and Attorney-General of the Republic
Advogam Contra Minha a Conduta were a direct attack on my conduct/behaviour
afastamento por dependência química (medical) leave for drug abuse/addiction
afetação e desafetação allocation and disallocation
afirma no critério de saúde ambiental ... states in the Environmental Health Criteria no. 203
afloramento brings out
aforada filed (in this context)
Afretador - fretador 1) Afretador - Charterer; 2) Fretador - Shipowner (or Owner)
Agente Fiscal do Crime Public Prosecutor
agir administrativo administrative process/procedure
agravada appellee
Entered by: Jorge Rodrigues
agravada aggravated
Agravante appelant
agravo contra despacho denegatório appeal against the order dismissing the Special Appeal
Agravo de Instrumento Interlocutory appeal
Agravo de Instrumento em Recurso de Revista Interlocutory Appeal in Motion to Review
Entered by: Daniel Fernandes
agravo de petição appeal against judgement / interlocutory appeal
Entered by: Jorge Rodrigues
Agravo de Petição appeal against judgement
Entered by: judith ryan
Agravo desprovido appeal denied
AGRAVO EM RECURSO ESPECIAL Special Appeal to Brazil\'s Superior Court of Justice
Entered by: Hellen de Paula
Agravo regimental a que se nega provimento Motion denied for a court injunction
Entered by: Heather Phillips
Agravo regimental no agravo do instrumento a regulatory appeal in a bill of review
Entered by: Jorge Rodrigues
agravo retido interlocutory appeal (to the same judge(s) who issued the decision, see Note)
agravos de instrumento interlocutory appeals, bill of review
Aguarda cumprimento de precatória Awaiting service of letter rogatory
aguardando prazo awaiting term/period
aguardando providências awaiting actions
Aguardará os ulteriores termos do processo will await the further proceedings of the case
aguiamento guidance
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