The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

スペイン語 から 英語 法: 契約 Translation Glossary

スペイン語 term 英語 translation
acceso colaborativo colaborative access
acceso tabular tabular access
accesorios legales legal costs
Acción de anulación Action to set aside
acción en beneficios additional benefits
acción en ejecución en naturaleza specifc performance relief/action
acción resolutoria y redhibitoria que pudiere corresponderle enforcement action and redhibitory action
accion de devastacion impeachment for (voluntary or permissive) waste (AE & BE)
accion de regreso o remisora collection action or remission (of debt)
Entered by: Jane Martin
accionar disvalioso intentional harmful conduct
acciones cartulares nominativas no endosables non-transferable nominative certified shares
acciones con derecho a voto voting shares
acciones de futura emisión shares to be issued (floated) in the future
acciones de su propia emisión its own stock
acciones del capital social shares in the capital stock
acciones en caución pledged stock
acciones nominativas registered shares
acciones nominativas e individuales registered, individual shares
Acciones nominativas no endosables, ordinarias de 5 votos y $100 de valor nomina registered shares of non-endorsable common stock having five votes and a par value of $100
Entered by: Rebecca Jowers
acciones o participaciones de las sociedades titulares de empresas de juego any and all kids of shares of gaming organizations
acciones ordinarias y preferidas escriturales book-entry preferential and common shares
Entered by: Richard Cadena
acciones populares class actions
Entered by: Alicia Orfalian
acciones que a LA PROPIEDAD puedan asistir directamente legal actions to which the proprietor/owner is directly entitled
acciones que procedan en Derecho actions that may be provided by Law
acciones resolutorias actions for cancellation / rescission
Acciones tendrán derecho a un dividendo de rango preferente shares will have the right to a dividend at a preferential level
accionista stockholder (US); shareholder (US, UK)
accionista último Primary Shareholder
accionista fiduciario fiduciary shareholder
Accionistas Integrantes Member Shareholders
Accionistas Originales Original Shareholders
Entered by: Loreta Saddi
acepta por la mera suscripción del presente by executing this instrument/agreement, Investor agrees to...
aceptación conforme acceptance in [good] order
Entered by: Marcela Di Paolo
Aceptación técnica operativa technical acceptance (certificate)
Entered by: patinba
aceptar desempeño act as a representative
Entered by: Wilsonn Perez Reyes
aceptar la reserva de un inmueble preliminary sales contract
Entered by: Hazel Whiteley
acero deformado deformed steel
acervo probatorio body of evidence
Entered by: Marina Soldati
acervo tecnológico proprietary technology
aclarar o ampliar las actas de infracción clarify or expand upon the infringement reports
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